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Germany's position on strikes inside Russia remains unchanged - German Minister of Defense

Germany's position on strikes inside Russia remains unchanged - German Minister of Defense Photo: Boris Pistorius, head of the German Ministry of Defense (Vitalii Nosach, RBC-Ukraine)
Author: Daryna Vialko

Germany is against Ukraine striking deep into Russia with the transferred weapons. However, Berlin will continue to support Kyiv, according to the head of the German Ministry of Defense Boris Pistorius.

Pistorius noted that Berlin has not changed its position on launching long-range strikes deep into Russian territory with weapons provided to Kyiv.

At the same time, he stated that Germany would continue to support Ukraine as long as necessary.

Strikes into Russia

Recently, Ukraine has been actively pressuring Western partners to obtain permission to use provided weapons for attacks on Russian military targets used to strike Ukrainian territories.

Kyiv plans to provide US national security officials with a list of strategic targets in Russia that Ukrainian forces could destroy if Washington agrees to lift restrictions on the supply of American weaponry.

According to Politico, the main reason for Washington's refusal is concerns about US national security. The US may seek to reset relations with Moscow in the future, and lifting the restrictions on strikes could complicate these efforts.

Oleksander Musiienko, head of the Center for Military and Legal Studies, noted that the West might eventually lift the restrictions due to Russia's role in escalating the conflict.