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Ukraine to provide US with list of targets on Russia's territory for long-range strikes - Politico

Ukraine to provide US with list of targets on Russia's territory for long-range strikes - Politico Photo: Kyiv and Washington discuss strikes against Russia with American weapons (Getty Images)
Author: Liliana Oleniak

Ukrainian authorities are preparing to present to top US national security officials a list of long-range targets on Russian territory that the Ukrainian Armed Forces could hit if Washington lifts restrictions on the supply of American weapons, according to Politico.

As the agency notes, Ukraine uses this list as another attempt to convince Washington to lift restrictions on the use of American weapons against Russia. While Ukraine has previously provided the US with some of its potential Russian targets, this list is expected to be more specific.

Ukrainian Defense Minister Rustem Umerov and President Volodymyr Zelenskyy's Office head Andrii Yermak will visit Washington this week and plan to present the administration's list during the talks, according to three anonymous sources familiar with Ukraine's dealings with Politico.

The US has been saying for months that lifting the restrictions would have no strategic value in the war because Russia has moved its most important targets, including aviation, away from the border and out of reach.

But Kyiv has identified several important goals it can achieve with the help of US-provided missiles, sources say. He hopes the list will strengthen the campaign to persuade President Joe Biden to change his mind.

“There should be no restrictions on the range of weapons for Ukraine, while terrorists have no such restrictions,” Zelenskyy said on Monday. “Defenders of life should face no restrictions on weapons.”

The visit of Umerov and Yermak is being prepared against the backdrop of Ukraine continuing its offensive in the Kursk region and trying to overcome the consequences of Moscow's massive missile attack on its energy system on August 26.

Kyiv's request

Ukrainian officials have long lobbied the Biden administration to lift US arms restrictions so the military can more easily launch offensives into Russian territory and push Russian troops back from the border. The US administration has said since the beginning of the war that it is concerned that lifting the restrictions could provoke Russia into even more aggressive attacks on Ukraine.

While the escalation remains a concern, the Biden administration has recently emphasized its belief that there is little tactical advantage given that Russia is moving its assets out of range. The administration also estimates that Ukraine does not have enough army tactical missile systems - the long-range missiles it wants to use - to hit important targets in Russia. Kyiv is using many of these missiles in its offensive in Crimea, a battle that the Biden administration estimates is going well for Ukraine. And the US has a limited supply of ATACMs that they can use to send to Ukraine.

Ukrainian officials and lawmakers insist that lifting all restrictions is necessary for Ukraine's military operations, arguing that it would give its military more leeway to conduct hostilities with Russia.

Visit to Washington

As Politico points out, it is unclear when exactly Umerov and Yermak will arrive in Washington and what other meetings they plan to hold in the United States. During previous such trips, Ukrainian officials met with National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan and Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin.

At a press briefing on August 26, National Security Council representative John Kirby said there had been no change in US policy on restrictions.

“This is not a new desire by President Zelenskyy by any stretch,” Kirby said. “But as I’ve said many, many times, we’ll keep the conversations with the Ukrainians going, but we’re going to keep them private.”

Some Ukrainian lawmakers and officials say they have seen signs that some in the Biden administration are considering lifting the restrictions in the coming days. An anonymous Democratic congressman familiar with the conversations also said the administration is considering Kyiv's request.

The White House has not said it is considering any plan to change its policy.

Zelenskyy and Biden spoke by phone on August 25 but did not specifically discuss the request to lift the restrictions, a US official said. But the two leaders spoke more broadly about Kyiv's request that the US send additional long-range weapons. They also talked about Russia's advance in Pokrovsk and Ukraine's strategy to counter the offensive and the simultaneous attempt to advance in the Kursk region.

After the call, Biden announced a new package of military aid to Kyiv of $125 million. On the same day, the US also announced the introduction of additional sanctions against Russia.

According to an American official, Kyiv and Washington are negotiating a personal meeting between Biden and Zelensky at the UN General Assembly in New York next month, Politico writes.