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Germany blocks new EU sanctions package against Russia once again - Journalist

Germany blocks new EU sanctions package against Russia once again - Journalist Photo: Germany blocks new EU sanctions package against Russia again (Getty Images)

On Friday, June 14, Germany once again blocked the approval of the 14th package of sanctions against Russia by the member countries of the European Union, according to Twitter (X) of Radio Svoboda correspondent Rikard Jozwiak.

"There was supposed to be a deal today but Germany still not ready to give green light," the journalist reported.

According to him, negotiations will continue next week.

EU sanctions against Russia

Since the beginning of the full-scale invasion of Ukraine, the EU has already imposed 13 packages of sanctions against Russia.

However, on Wednesday, June 12, the member states of the European Union failed to reach an agreement on the 14th package of sanctions against Russia. This time, the obstacle was not Hungary but Germany.

Today, EU ambassadors again discussed the new package of sanctions but once again did not approve it.