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German Foreign Ministry prepare for potential Trump victory in 2024 - FT

German Foreign Ministry prepare for potential Trump victory in 2024 - FT Former US President Donald Trump (photo: Getty Images)

Diplomats at the German Foreign Ministry are urgently preparing for the potential return of Donald Trump to the White House, which could significantly impact Germany and its global position, according to the Financial Times.

Employees from various departments, including those dealing with North America, policy planning, and the embassy in Washington, have formed an informal crisis group to discuss the consequences of Trump's potential victory in the US elections and possible responses from Berlin.

The latest agenda item for this group is President Joe Biden's decision not to seek re-election after weeks of pressure from senior Democrats, instead endorsing Vice President Kamala Harris as his successor.

Many in Germany are concerned about the impact of Biden's withdrawal from the race on the elections, especially given recent polls. They are preparing for Trump's likely victory, which raises concerns in Berlin.

Germany fears that Trump may return with even more protectionist economic policies, including the possible introduction of 10% tariffs on imports, which would severely harm Germany's export-oriented economy.

Concerns have heightened after Trump selected J.D. Vance as his vice-presidential candidate, who is skeptical of globalization, NATO, and support for Ukraine.

Biden withdraws from presidential race

On July 21, US President Joe Biden announced he would not run for a second term. In a message on Twitter, he proposed Vice President Kamala Harris as the presidential candidate.

Despite calls from some Republicans for Biden to resign, US administration representative Andrew Bates confirmed that Biden will remain in office until the end of his term.