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German ambassador: Russia shows no sign of readiness to negotiate with Ukraine

German ambassador: Russia shows no sign of readiness to negotiate with Ukraine Photo: Vladimir Putin, Russian dictator (Getty Images)

Germany does not observe any signs of Russia showing readiness for peace negotiations with Ukraine. Moscow is also setting inflated conditions for dialogue, states the German Ambassador to Russia, Alexander Graf Lambsdorff, according to DPA.

"At the moment, the Russian side is not showing any willingness to negotiate but is insisting on exaggerated preconditions," the German diplomat noted.

He added that when Russian dictator Vladimir Putin sets conditions for starting negotiations, such as withdrawing Ukrainian troops from four regions, "then it is clear that there is no seriousness behind it."

According to Lambsdorff, "one fine day," Russia will have to understand that this war is achieving much less than it aimed for and is causing significant harm to its international standing.

The diplomat also noted that the operation of Ukrainian defenders in the Kursk region is making Russia nervous. For border troops, secret services, military personnel, and the Russian population, the success of the Ukrainians was an "nasty surprise."


Ahead of the first peace summit, Russian dictator Vladimir Putin proposed new conditions for peace negotiations with Ukraine.

The Kremlin chief demanded that Ukraine completely withdraw its troops from Donetsk, Luhansk, Kherson, and Zaporizhzhia regions. Another condition was that the Ukrainian government must completely abandon its intention to join NATO.

Putin claimed that if these conditions were met, the Russian authorities would allegedly immediately order a ceasefire and start negotiations.

For more details on this dictator's ultimatum, see the RBC-Ukraine report.