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Georgia's ruling party seeks to restrict President's meetings with foreign leaders

Georgia's ruling party seeks to restrict President's meetings with foreign leaders Georgia's President Salome Zourabichvili (Getty Images)

In Georgia, the pro-Russian ruling party Georgian Dream intends to prohibit President Salome Zourabichvili from holding meetings with foreign politicians, said the leader of the party, Irakli Kobakhidze.

According to him, they want to prohibit Zurabishvili from interacting with foreign politicians even in the case of their arrival in Georgia.

Kobakhidze added that this issue "must be immediately regulated at the legislative level." It is necessary to determine the types of meetings the president can conduct independently and for which ones government permission will be required, he noted.

What preceded this

In September, members of the Georgian Dream accused Salome Zourabichvili of violating the Constitution, as she traveled to Germany on a working visit without government permission.

The pro-Russian party initiated impeachment proceedings against Zourabichvili, filing the relevant submission to the Constitutional Court.

Yesterday, on October 16, the Constitutional Court allowed the initiation of the impeachment process against the president. However, to approve Zourabichvili's removal, at least 100 votes from parliamentarians are needed. They are unlikely to gather this number, as there are only 84 deputies from the ruling party in parliament.