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G7 countries react to North Korea's missile launch

G7 countries react to North Korea's missile launch Leaders of G7 nations (photo: Getty Images)

G7 foreign ministers react to North Korea's ballistic missile launch, reveals Barron's.

World nations said on Tuesday that the international community needs a firm and united response to North Korea's "reckless" nuclear build-up and missile launches.

"North Korea's repeated reckless actions must be met with a swift, united, and robust international response, particularly by the United Nations Security Council," the G7 foreign ministers said.

Since North Korea conducted its first nuclear test in 2006, the UN Security Council has passed numerous resolutions calling on it to end its nuclear and missile programs. But China and Russia, which support North Korea, do not want the Security Council to impose new sanctions on it.

DPRK launches ballistic missiles

On December 19, the DPRK launched a ballistic missile that flew more than 1,000 kilometers. North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un was watching.

Earlier, North Korea launched a short-range ballistic missile toward the East Sea.

Japan has convened a meeting of the National Security Council due to the possible fall of the missile into the East Sea.

The United States and South Korea are working on a common nuclear defense strategy to deter the DPRK.