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France summons Iranian diplomat over missile transfer to Russia

France summons Iranian diplomat over missile transfer to Russia Illustrative photo (Getty Images)
Author: Maria Kholina

France has reacted to the transfer of Iranian ballistic missiles to Russia. Paris is summoning the Iranian ambassador to discuss the issue, citing The Guardian.

France is calling in the temporary chargé d'affaires of Iran in Paris. This move follows Tehran's decision to supply additional missiles to Russia.

The United States recently imposed new sanctions on Iran over the transfer of ballistic missiles to Russia, which could potentially be used to strike Ukraine.

Iran denies supplying missiles to Moscow. However, Iran's Foreign Minister has said that sanctions are not a solution to the problem but rather part of it.

Iranian missiles transfer to Russia

In September, Western media reported that Iran had delivered a batch of ballistic missiles to Russia. Tehran officially denies this information, and Moscow has not commented at all.

However, a member of the Iranian parliament inadvertently revealed the missile supply to Russia. The deputy stated that the missiles are being exchanged with Moscow in barter for soy and wheat, and this is only part of the deal.

Ukraine is calling on Iran to stop providing military assistance to the Russian army.

For more details on why Iran decided to transfer ballistic missiles to Russia and the potential consequences, see the full article by RBC-Ukraine.