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First round results of French elections, exposed group planning to seize Ukrainian parliament - Monday brief

First round results of French elections, exposed group planning to seize Ukrainian parliament - Monday brief RBC-Ukraine collage

Nationalist and right-wing party National Rally has won the first round of parliamentary elections in France. Meanwhile, the Security Service of Ukraine exposed a group preparing provocations in Kyiv and planning to seize the Ukrainian Parliament - Verkhovna Rada.

Read more about what happened on Monday, July 1.

French parliamentary elections: First round results announced

The National Rally has won the first round of parliamentary elections in France. President Emmanuel Macron's political party is currently in third place.

Ukraine's Security Service detains group aiming to seize parliament building

The Security Service of Ukraine exposed a group of civic "activists" who were preparing provocations in Kyiv on June 30 this year. They planned to seize the Ukrainian Parliament - Verkhovna Rada.

According to the investigation, the group was headed by the co-founder of a public organization that has been known for its anti-Ukrainian actions since 2015.

Ukrainian intelligence's hackers launch major cyberattack on Russian internet providers

In late May, hackers from the Defense Intelligence of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine (GUR) performed a large-scale DDoS attack on Russian internet providers, report the sources of the RBC-Ukraine in the special services.

During the attack at the end of May, at least 250,000 subscribers in temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine, primarily in Crimea, were left without connection.

Democrats urge Pentagon to train more Ukrainian pilots on F-16

A group of Democrats in the US House of Representatives has called on the Pentagon to expand training for Ukrainian pilots on operating F-16 fighter jets, Politico reports.

According to the source, lawmakers led by Congressman Adam Schiff supported Ukraine's request to train an additional ten pilots. The corresponding letter was sent to the Pentagon.

Zelenskyy after military report: Preparing steps for Russia to lose more equipment and logistics

The Ukrainian military is preparing solutions to increase the losses of the Russian occupiers in equipment and logistics, says President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy.

His statement came after the reports from Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Oleksandr Syrskyi and Major General of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Anatolii Barhylevych.