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Fire at oil depot in Rostov region: Media report explosion of tank

Fire at oil depot in Rostov region: Media report explosion of tank Fire at oil depot in Proletarsk, Russia (photo:

A severe fire at an oil depot in Proletarsk, Rostov region of Russia, which was hit by drones four days ago, continues to burn. An explosion of another fuel tank occurred at the site, reports Russian Telegram channel

The drone strike on the oil depot FGKU Kombinat Kavkaz in Proletarsk occurred on the night of August 18. Since then, the facility has been engulfed in flames, with explosions occurring intermittently in various tanks.

According to Russian media, another such explosion took place late on the evening of August 21. A video of the incident has been posted online.

Residents told Rostov journalists that the glow from the fire was even visible in the neighboring town of Salsk.

This is at least the third explosion of tanks at the oil depot since the fire began. Previous explosions were reported on August 19 and 20.

According to Rostov region Governor Vasily Golubev, Il-76 aircraft and two fire trains have been deployed to extinguish the blaze. The official reassures that there is no threat of the fire spreading to residential buildings or other structures.

Additionally, Russian sources report that firefighters have been injured in the fire at FGKU Kombinat Kavkaz. Russian media states that over 40 people have been affected.

Fire at oil depot in Rostov region: Media report explosion of tank

Fire at the oil depot in Proletarsk, Russia (photo:

Fire at oil depot in Rostov region: Media report explosion of tank

Fire at the oil depot in Proletarsk, Russia (photo:

Fire at oil depot in Rostov region: Media report explosion of tank

Fire at the oil depot in Proletarsk, Russia (photo:

What is known about the fire at the oil depot in Proletarsk

On the night of August 18, drones targeted the FGKU Kombinat Kavkaz oil depot in Proletarsk, Rostov region, Russia.

According to RBC-Ukraine sources, this operation was carried out by the Defense Intelligence of Ukraine.

Recent satellite images have shown the fire in Proletarsk, revealing that smoke is drifting toward Rostov, which is approximately 150 kilometers away.

The satellite images also indicate that the area of the fire at the oil depot continues to expand.

OSINT analysts report that the fire has already destroyed 14 fuel tanks, partially damaged 4, and left 16 undamaged. The status of another 44 tanks remains unknown, as they are obscured by a thick layer of smoke.