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Fire at oil depot in Rostov region: Blaze engulfs over 10 fuel tanks

Fire at oil depot in Rostov region: Blaze engulfs over 10 fuel tanks Illustrative photo: Russian Emergencies Ministry (
Author: Daryna Vialko

At the oil depot in the Rostov region, where firefighters have been trying to extinguish the fire for more than a day, more than 10 fuel tanks have now been engulfed by the flames, according to Radio Liberty.

In a satellite image taken today at 2:23 p.m. local time, it can be seen that the fire continues to spread across the oil depot, engulfing additional fuel tanks. There are now at least ten tanks affected.

Пожежа на нафтобазі у Ростовській області: вогонь охопив вже понад 10 цистерн з паливом

Photo: Fire engulfs over 10 fuel tanks at oil depot in Rostov region (


On the night of August 18, drones targeted the oil depot Kombinat Kavkaz located in the city of Proletarsk in the Rostov region.

According to RBC-Ukraine sources, this operation was conducted by the Defense Intelligence of Ukraine.

As of the evening of August 18, firefighting efforts at the oil depot were ongoing, involving three fire trains. However, it was not possible to extinguish the burning fuel until it had all burned out.

Additionally, an explosion occurred at the oil depot in the Rostov region today, where firefighters have been battling the blaze for over a day. The fire has not yet been extinguished.