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Finland should prepare for war coming to its borders

Finland should prepare for war coming to its borders Alexander Stubb, President of Finland (photo: Getty Images)

The people of Finland need to get used to the fact that the war will come to their borders. However, there is no reason to worry at the moment, states Alexander Stubb, President of Finland.

Stubb was commenting on Ukrainian media reports that Ukraine launched a drone strike on the Olenya military airport in northern Russia this Saturday. The Olenya air base is located less than 200 kilometers from Finland's northeastern border.

Commenting on the issue to Finnish media in Paris, Stubb said he had been in contact with Swedish Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson and Finnish Prime Minister Petteri Orpo about the matter.

“The main message is that we have no reason to worry in Finland.

We have the situation under control and can respond,” the President said.

He emphasized that Finland now has a reason to remain calm and vigilant.

In addition, according to the President, Finns need to get used to the fact that the war will come to the borders of Finland.

“The flight from Helsinki to Kyiv is very short. We need to get used to the fact that Ukraine must use all means to win this war, and this includes various strikes. And Russia continues its hybrid attacks,” Stubb commented.

According to Ukrainian media, Ukrainian drones could have damaged a Russian Tu-22M3 bomber during the strike. Moreover, during the night attack on Russia, an oil refinery in Ryazan was damaged.

We also reported that Ukrainian intelligence had shot down three helicopters in Russia. One of them was destroyed on the territory of the Russian Ministry of Defense airfield.