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Fighting in Kursk region and downing of Russian Mi-28 helicopter with FPV drone - Wednesday brief

Fighting in Kursk region and downing of Russian Mi-28 helicopter with FPV drone - Wednesday brief RBC-Ukraine collage

Fighting has been going on for two days in the Kursk region after rumors of a Russian border breach by Ukrainian forces. Ukraine's Security Service shot down a Russian Mi-28 helicopter with an FPV drone.

Read more about what happened on Wednesday, August 7.

Fighting continues in Kursk region, Russians suffer losses

Fighting continues in the Kursk region for the second day after an unexpected breach of the border near the town of Sudzha. While the Russian military and political leadership claims that "everything is under control" and promises the Russians to "go to the border," the Ukrainian side has not made any official statements about the situation.

RBC-Ukraine's material explains the idea behind the operation in the Kursk region, why Sudzha was targeted, how it could end, and why the Ukrainian General Staff is silent.

Ukraine's Security Service downs Russian Mi-28 helicopter with FPV drone, source

The Security Service of Ukraine conducted a unique operation, shooting down a Russian Mi-28 helicopter using an FPV drone. Yesterday, soldiers of the SSU Centre of Special Operations “A” hit the helicopter over the Kursk region of Russia, according to RBC-Ukraine source.

Ambassador: No decision on Israeli Patriot systems for Ukraine made yet

The decision to transfer Israeli Patriot air defense systems to Ukraine has not yet been made, states Israeli Ambassador to Ukraine Michael Brodsky in the conversation with RBC-Ukraine.

When asked whether Ukraine's acquisition of Israeli Patriot is directly related to the situation in the Middle East, Brodsky replied: "Yes, it is related to the threats that Israel is facing today."

More contagious than predecessors: What is known about new Covid variant FLiRT

The new FLiRT variant of coronavirus infection is more contagious than its predecessors. However, vaccination remains an effective preventive measure, says Ihor Kuzin, Deputy Minister of Health - Chief State Sanitary doctor of Ukraine.