ua en ru

Explosions reported in Belgorod amid claims of strikes

Explosions reported in Belgorod amid claims of strikes Photo: Russians in Belgorod complain about strikes (

Residents of Belgorod and the surrounding region reported explosions and alleged strikes on Sunday, September 8. Footage showing smoke has been shared online, on local Telegram channels.

On the morning of September 8, residents of Belgorod and the surrounding region began sharing reports of explosions on social media. The local governor, Vyacheslav Gladkov, claimed that air defense systems had allegedly been activated. A missile alert was also issued in the region.

Explosions were heard both in Belgorod and nearby areas. Russians shared footage online showing fires, allegedly caused by "arrivals." Significant smoke was observed in several locations.

The governor claimed that the village of Nikolske, near Belgorod, was supposedly attacked twice. He stated that a drone strike on a local production facility caused a hangar to catch fire, leading to the collapse of the building's roof.

Situation in Russia's border regions

In recent weeks, the Belgorod, Bryansk, and Kursk regions of Russia, located near the Ukrainian border, have experienced unrest. Explosions are frequently reported, and Ukrainian forces have been targeting enemy military facilities.

In particular, an offensive operation by the Ukrainian Defense Forces has been underway in the Kursk region for over a month. Ukrainian forces have taken control of several kilometers in the area, where a military commandant’s office was established.

President Volodymyr Zelenskyy stated that these territories in the Kursk region will remain under Ukrainian control until Russian dictator Vladimir Putin agrees to negotiate.