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Explosions occurred in occupied Kerch, Crimea: What is known

Explosions occurred in occupied Kerch, Crimea: What is known Photo: Crimean Bridge (Getty Images)

Explosions were heard in the temporarily occupied city of Kerch in Crimea on the evening of Friday, October 4. Russia claimed it was supposedly part of military exercises, according to the Telegram channel Krym.Realii.

According to monitoring data, at least four explosions were heard over the city around 9:10 PM local time.

At the same time, the occupation authorities in Crimea announced military exercises the day before. However, local residents are sharing reports on social media about a supposed missile threat in Crimea.

"The authorities or Russian military have not yet published any official explanations regarding the explosions over Kerch," reported Krym.Realii.

Since September 26, military exercises have allegedly been ongoing in occupied Crimea. In particular, Russian forces have been building fortifications, firing points, and strongholds near many important facilities and on beaches. The exercises are intended to involve "complete blocking of administrative areas with observation measures."

Crimean Bridge

Russia seized Crimea in 2014 and constructed the illegal Kerch Bridge, which connects the peninsula to Russia. For Ukraine, the bridge is a legitimate military target and strikes against it have already occurred twice—in October 2022 and July 2023.

In April 2024, The Guardian reported on preparations by the Defense Forces for a third strike.

Recently, Russian forces have been actively reinforcing the bridge. In particular, in September, it was reported that Russia continues to deploy air defense systems to the Crimean Bridge, including exhibition models. Additionally, Russia is constructing a "mysterious structure" on the crossing.