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Explosions in Kyiv on the night of September 6 - What is known

Explosions in Kyiv on the night of September 6 - What is known Photo: Air Defense Forces work in Kyiv on the night of September 6 (GettyImages)

Explosions rang out in Kyiv tonight, September 6. Air Defense Forces are working, according to the Kyiv City Military Administration Telegram.

"Attention! Air Defense Forces operating in the capital!" - says the message of the KCMA.

Residents of the capital are urged to stay in shelters during an air raid alert or to follow the rules of "two walls".

The mayor of Kyiv, Vitali Klitschko, said that "more rockets are coming in the direction of the capital".

Large-scale air alert

Tonight, September 6, an air alert was announced throughout Ukraine. The Defense Forces South reported the launch of cruise missiles from Tu-95ms strategic bombers.