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Explosions in Crimea: military depot hit, trains halted, evacuation underway

Explosions in Crimea: military depot hit, trains halted, evacuation underway On July 22, the Crimea shuddered with explosions. Russians claim about hitting a military depot (Photo: Getty Images)

In the Krasnohvardiiskyi district of Crimea, explosions were reported in the morning. A drone strike resulted in a detonation at an ammunition depot, according to the self-proclaimed "head" of the temporarily occupied Crimea, Sergey Aksyonov.

Aksyonov stated, "As a result of the enemy drone attack on the Krasnohvardiiskyi district, there was a detonation at the ammunition depot. According to preliminary information, there have been no casualties or damages."

The self-proclaimed "head" also announced the decision by the occupying "authorities" to evacuate the population within a 5-kilometer radius of the incident to temporary accommodation centers. He emphasized that the movement on the Crimean railway will be suspended to "minimize risks."

Targeted facilities in the heart of Crimea

According to Defense Express, based on civilian videos, the airstrikes targeted an oil depot and an airfield, which was previously the base for the Soviet Black Sea Fleet's aviation.

Oil depot

Despite its small size, the oil depot is located close to a railway line.

"This railway connects Dzhankoi, passes through Oktiabrske, and in the area of Hvardiiske, it branches off into lines toward Yevpatoria and Simferopol-Sevastopol. As long as the fire is not extinguished, it appears that train movement will be blocked for a significant portion of the peninsula," the agency adds.


In the mid-90s, all aviation units based at the airfield were disbanded, and the airstrip was left abandoned. However, prior to the start of Russia's full-scale invasion, the airfield was converted back into a military facility, but this time into a field camp.

According to Google Earth images from February 2022, the airfield was host to a substantial amount of military vehicles and tents.

Judging by the detonation and the size of the cloud after the strike, it seems the "hit" was highly successful.

Photo: Russian claim about hitting the military depot in Crimea, evacuation underway (Google Earth)

Update - Ukrainian Armed Forces confirmed the strike.

Explosions in Crimea

This morning, explosions were reported in the Krasnohvardiiskyi District of Crimea. According to eyewitnesses, the blasts were heard for several minutes. At that time, traffic through the Crimean Bridge was blocked.

Shortly after, Aksyonov claimed that there was a supposed attack by UAVs (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles). The occupiers specifically threatened civilians with punishment if they were caught photographing or filming the "landing site."

Meanwhile, witnesses also reported a fire at the Elevatorna railway station in the village of Oktiabrske following the explosions.