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Evening shelling of Kharkiv: Four injured, enterprise damaged

Evening shelling of Kharkiv: Four injured, enterprise damaged Photo: The Russian army attacked Kharkiv with a Grom-E1 missile on August 31 (
Author: Daryna Vialko

On the evening of August 31, the Russian army shelled Kharkiv again. Four people were injured, including a teenager, according to the Kharkiv Regional Prosecutor's Office.

According to the investigation, on August 31, around 10:45 p.m., the Russian forces launched a missile strike on Kharkiv.

"The enemy missile hit the roadway near a multi-story building in the Slobidskyi district of Kharkiv. A 13-year-old girl and two women, aged 24 and 20, experienced acute stress reactions. A 26-year-old man was injured," the report stated.

Buildings of a civilian enterprise and over 25 vehicles were also damaged.

"Based on fragments recovered from the scene, law enforcement preliminarily determined that the city was struck by a Grom-E1 missile launched from the village of Beryozovo in the Belgorod region," the Prosecutor's Office stated.

Shelling of Kharkiv and the region

Russian forces consistently attack Kharkiv and the surrounding area. On the evening of August 31, an explosion was heard in Kharkiv, and it was reported that the Russian army was shelling the city.

Earlier that day, on August 31, the Russian forces attacked a house in the village of Cherkaska Lozova near Kharkiv. A fire broke out, injuring four local residents, and there were reports that people might be trapped under the rubble.

On August 30, the Russian army massively shelled Kharkiv, with strikes recorded at five different locations, including the city center. Nearly 100 people were injured, and six others were killed.