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EU imposes sanctions on Iran for missiles to Russia: Three airlines on the list

EU imposes sanctions on Iran for missiles to Russia: Three airlines on the list EU sanctions Iran for transferring missiles to Russia (Getty Images)
Author: Maria Kholina

The European Union has imposed sanctions on Iran over the supply of missiles to Russia. The list includes Iranian officials, companies, and three airlines, citing the official EU website.

The EU has sanctioned seven individuals, including Iran’s Deputy Defense Minister Seyed Hamzeh Ghalandari. The list also includes:

  • Behnam Shahriyari, an official in the IRGC Quds Force Unit 190, which is involved in the logistical aspects of arms transfers, including missiles and ammunition;
  • Ali Shadmani, Deputy Coordinator of the IRGC’s Central Headquarters, who has repeatedly promoted Iran's defense capabilities in recent years, including drones and missiles, particularly in Russia;
  • Ali Jafarabadi, Commander of the Aerospace Division of the IRGC’s Air and Space Forces, involved in developing Iran's missile program;
  • Mehdi Gogerdchian, Managing Director of Iran Aircraft Manufacturing Industries (HESA), which is registered in the EU, and involved in Iran's UAV program;
  • Reza Khosravi Moghaddam, Military Attaché at the Iranian Embassy in Russia;
  • Seid Mir Ahmad Nooshin, Director of the Aerospace Industries Organization, registered in the EU, involved in Iran's missile program.

Seven companies were also added to the sanctions list. Restrictions were imposed on three Iranian airlines (the national carrier Iran Air, as well as Saha Airlines and Mahan Air), along with four industrial and transport companies (Basamad Electronic Pouya Engineering Co., Iran Alumina Company, Shahid Haj Ali Movahed Research Center, and Teyf Tadbir Engineering Company).

The sanctions take effect immediately. As part of these measures, individuals are banned from entering EU territory, and their assets will be frozen. The companies also face asset freezes, and European businesses are prohibited from engaging with them.

Iran's missile transfer to Russia

In September, Western media reported that Iran may have transferred a batch of missiles to Russia, specifically short-range ballistic missiles, possibly the Fath 360.

Later, the US confirmed Tehran’s missile deliveries to Moscow. However, Iran continues to deny the claims, while Russia remains silent on the matter.

The US and the UK have already imposed additional sanctions on Iran. Today, October 14, EU ministers agreed on further restrictions against Tehran.