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Estonian company to produce missile systems in Ukraine

Estonian company to produce missile systems in Ukraine Illustrative photo: Ukrainian air defense forces shoot down drones (Getty Images)
Author: Daryna Vialko

The Estonian defense company Frankenburg Technologies has announced that it will start producing anti-drone missile systems in Ukraine, according to Bloomberg.

As noted by the agency, the statement from Frankenburg Technologies signals the interest of European arms manufacturers in establishing production facilities on Ukrainian territory.

What is known about Frankenburg Technologies

Frankenburg Technologies was founded in January 2024 with the participation of leading figures from Estonia’s defense and technology industries.

The company is advised by the former Commander of the Estonian Defense Forces, General Martin Herem, while the CEO of Milrem Robotics, Kuldar Väärsi, has joined as a strategic investor.

One of the co-founders is Taavi Madiberk, CEO of Estonian supercapacitor manufacturer Skeleton Technologies, which has investments in Germany and France and a technology partnership with Siemens.

According to company documents, Frankenburg Technologies is also connected to Margus Linnamäe, one of Estonia's wealthiest businessmen.

The company has appointed Sergiy Koshman, a former expert at the Ukrainian Presidential Office and Nokia Siemens Networks, as its CEO in Ukraine.

Western defense companies open representative offices in Ukraine

It was previously reported that the American military-industrial company Northrop Grumman Corporation plans to produce medium-caliber ammunition in Ukraine.

Additionally, a French company will open a plant in Ukraine to service air defense systems and radars.

In June, it was announced that the first workshop for repairing and producing armored vehicles had opened in Ukraine as part of a joint venture between Ukroboronprom and the German defense giant Rheinmetall.