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Elon Musk embroiled in scandal over Twitter logo on office in San Francisco

Elon Musk embroiled in scandal over Twitter logo on office in San Francisco Elon Musk, Twitter's owner (Photo: Getty Images)

American billionaire Elon Musk recently installed a huge "X" logo on the office of his company Twitter, marking a rebranding of both the company and the social media platform. However, it turns out that the logo violates local laws, reports Associated Press.

According to the laws of San Francisco, where the Twitter company office is located, obtaining the appropriate permit is necessary before installing signage or logos on a building.

"Planning review and approval is also necessary for the installation of this sign. The city is opening a complaint and initiating an investigation," said the San Francisco Department of Building Inspection.

This was preceded by another event. Initially, the San Francisco authorities did not allow Twitter employees to remove the old logo from the office building. The employees neglected pedestrian safety and did not barricade the sidewalk, leading to police intervention.

Twitter rebranding

This week, Elon Musk announced the rebranding of both the company and the Twitter social network. The first update was replacing the familiar blue bird logo with the letter "X."

The American businessman explained his decision to change Twitter's logo by his plans to transform the company into a broad platform for communications and financial transactions.

Additionally, according to Musk, Twitter will soon only have a dark mode. As per the businessman's belief, it is "better in every way."