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Drone attack reported in Russia's Murmansk region, home to Olenya air base

Drone attack reported in Russia's Murmansk region, home to Olenya air base Illustrative photo (Getty Images)

Locals report about unknown drones in the Murmansk region of Russia. The Olenya air base is located in the region, according to the Baza Telegram channel.

Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) were spotted near Severomorsk. After that, flight restrictions were imposed on the entire Kola Peninsula.

The main naval base of the Russian Northern Fleet is located in Severomorsk. The Olenya air base is also located in the region.

An air raid alert is sounded in Murmansk.

The governor of the Murmansk region, Andrey Chibis confirmed the information about the drone raids but did not specify their number. He also added that two airports - Murmansk and Apatity - have been closed.

Attacks on Olenya air base

In late July, RBC-Ukraine's sources reported that Ukrainian intelligence drones attacked an oil refinery and three Russian military air bases. Later, the intelligence service officially confirmed this information and characterized the operation as an Olympic achievement.

Later, the Defense Intelligence reported that two Tu-22M3 strategic bombers were damaged in the strike on the Olenya air base.