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Dentist identifies mistakes people make when using mouthwash

Dentist identifies mistakes people make when using mouthwash Mistakes when using mouthwash (photo: Freepik)
Author: Daryna Vialko

Mouthwash can help prevent cavities and eliminate bacteria, but only if used correctly. A dentist has identified common mistakes to avoid, according to the Livestrong website.

Dentist James Galati identified five common mouthwash mistakes that can harm your dental health.

Using mouthwash immediately after brushing

If you rinse your mouth with mouthwash just seconds after brushing, you are making a mistake. This is because antiseptic mouthwash can weaken the fluoride effects of your toothpaste. Instead, use mouthwash after eating.

Choosing the wrong mouthwash

Not all mouthwashes are created equally. They can contain different active ingredients, and some of these elements may not be suitable for certain people. For example, antiseptic mouthwashes with alcohol tend to dry out the mouth. Therefore, if you have conditions like dry mouth, ulcers, or inflamed tissues, it is not recommended to use alcohol-based mouthwashes.

Using mouthwash instead of brushing your teeth

It’s important to remember that mouthwash does not replace daily brushing and flossing. Mouthwash only removes part of the plaque. This means you still need to brush your teeth to remove plaque and food debris for optimal dental and gum health.

Using mouthwash more than twice a day

Overuse of alcohol-based mouthwashes can lead to dry mouth, causing tissue irritation and promoting plaque formation.

How often to use mouthwash without harm

Rinse duration should be up to 1 minute. If the chosen composition contains antiseptics, it should not be used for longer than 3 weeks. After that, choose other mouthwashes to avoid oral dysbacteriosis. Here are some additional tips for safe mouthwash use:

  • Mouthwash does not replace brushing (only brushing effectively removes plaque).
  • If using a fluoride rinse, use a toothpaste with calcium: this provides better protection against cavities and safeguards enamel.
  • Mouthwashes with natural ingredients (plant extracts and oils) can be used on a regular basis.
  • Do not use alcohol-based mouthwash before driving.

Earlier, a dentist named three methods that can help whiten teeth safely.

We also wrote about how to protect your teeth from enamel damage.