Denmark completes training of first group of Ukrainian specialists to service F-16s

Denmark has completed the training of the first 50 Ukrainian specialists to maintain F-16 fighter jets, says Major General Jan Dam, Commander of the Royal Danish Air Force.
Most of the aforementioned specialists have already returned to Ukraine and are waiting to receive the first fighters at air bases. In particular, he added that the next group of 50 Ukrainians will also start training soon.
According to Dam, the first group of Ukrainian pilots is also currently being trained. The latter are learning to fly at night.
In general, pilot training is expected to last six to eight months.
F-16s from Denmark
A special aviation coalition led by the Netherlands and Denmark was set up to provide F-16 fighters to Ukraine. The choice was not made by chance, as both countries have flight simulators.
In June, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said during a meeting with Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen that Ukraine would soon receive an F-16 from the ally.
According to Danish Defense Minister Troels Lund Poulsen, his country will stop training Ukrainian pilots on F-16s next year, as it is expected to switch to more modern F-35s.