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Czechia to produce Colt ammunition and assault rifles in Ukraine

Czechia to produce Colt ammunition and assault rifles in Ukraine Photo: Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal (
Author: Daryna Vialko

Ukraine and Czechia signed two agreements in the defense industry. The agreements concern the production of ammunition and Colt assault rifles, stated Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal during a press conference with his Czech counterpart Petr Fiala.

According to Shmyhal, during the meeting with Fiala, they discussed supplying new types of weapons for the Ukrainian military, training and rehabilitation of soldiers, and new joint projects. Additionally, two agreements were signed in the defense industry sector.

"Today, among other agreements in the defense industry sector, we have signed two important agreements. A new ammunition factory will be built in Ukraine - an agreement signed between Sellier & Bellot and Ukroboronservice," Shmyhal said.

The second signed agreement is for the production of Colt CZ Group assault rifles in Ukraine. This agreement is between Ceska Zbrojovka and a corresponding Ukrainian enterprise. Shmyhal did not specify which one, citing security concerns.

Czech initiative on ammunition for Ukraine

Earlier this year, the Czechia initiated purchases of ammunition for Ukraine. Funds for this were provided by over 15 Western countries.

In June, Czech Prime Minister Petr Fiala stated that the first batch of ammunition had already arrived in Ukraine under his country's initiative.

The next day, a source from RBC-Ukraine in the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine reported that the difference in the number of shots between Ukraine and Russia has been reduced by more than half.