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Czech police disclosed number of investigations into public support for Russia's war against Ukraine

Czech police disclosed number of investigations into public support for Russia's war against Ukraine The Czech police reported the number of investigations into public support for Russia in the war against Ukraine (photo: Getty Images)

The Czech police have reported the number of identified cases of public support for the Russian Federation. Law enforcement continues to monitor violations, according to iROZHLAS .

Since the beginning of the war in Ukraine, the police have identified nearly 400 such cases and have already accused almost a hundred individuals. Law enforcement continues to track and investigate cases related to possible endorsement of the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

"Any public endorsement of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, including at demonstrations, on the internet, or on social media, may be considered a crime. Approval is understood as any expression of support or praise for the actions of Russia or its leaders," said the prosecutor general in a press release.

According to police spokesperson Ondrej Moravcik, since the start of the war, the police have investigated hundreds of complaints and initiated criminal proceedings in 384 cases.

"121 cases involve approval and other forms of propaganda for movements or terrorist organizations," explains Moravcik, adding that in these cases, the police know that the individual committed a crime.

If they manage to identify and track the person, which the police say happens very often, charges are brought. According to Moravcik, almost a hundred criminals have already been questioned.

"We have investigated 384 cases of approval of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Criminal cases have been initiated against 99 individuals, but some of them were later terminated," says Moravcik.

The charges include an attack on society or the creation, support, and propaganda of a movement aimed at suppressing human rights and freedoms. The police then report the opening of a criminal case to the prosecutor's office.

Similar cases in Europe

Earlier, we reported that in Germany, the police launched an investigation against a group of Russians who attempted to provoke Ukrainians with political slogans. One Ukrainian was injured.