Countries aiming to keep Ukrainian residents after war, their motives

Currently, a significant number of Ukrainian migrants reside in Europe, still receiving financial support and building their lives there. However, some countries plan to reduce these payments, while others aim to retain Ukrainians even after the war.
Instagram blogger Olha Reznikova discusses the specific countries interested in accommodating refugees from Ukraine for different reasons.
Why European countries aim to retain Ukrainians after the war
A considerable number of Ukrainians are living in various European countries, each settling differently. Some are studying, some are working, some are learning the language, and others are simply getting by from one payment to another. It's all very individual.
This is why not every migrant wishes to return to Ukraine, even after the conflict ends. Moreover, some countries are willing to offer jobs and keep Ukrainians there, pursuing their own goals.
Photo: Which countries aim to retain as many Ukrainians as possible after the war (Freepik)
Germany has already announced its hope for at least 200,000 Ukrainians. They emphasize the need for more workers and are currently willing to invest in training Ukrainians, providing them time to learn the language and acquire new professions, in order to have ready-made professionals in a couple of years.
Norway actively integrates Ukrainians into its society. The country is ready to pay approximately 1,500 euros a month as a salary for people attending courses and learning the language. They do this because they feel a strong need for migrants from Ukraine.
This country primarily accepts Ukrainians with the aim that they will work and integrate into their society.
However, some other countries are hesitant to openly express their need for skilled Ukrainian migrants. This is because Ukraine officially requests not to provide them with opportunities for integration and stay, as Ukraine needs people to rebuild its own state.
Yet, every country probably wishes to keep those individuals who are already working and building their lives in Europe. And that's also understandable.
Also, read our article about 7 countries that have created the best conditions for Ukrainian refugees.