China proposes 'no-first-use' treaty to major nuclear states

China called on the states with the largest nuclear arsenals to agree on an agreement on "no-first-use of nuclear weapons against each other," reports Reuters.
Director General of the Arms Control Department of the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Sun Xiaobo, called on the nuclear powers to fulfill their "special and priority responsibilities" regarding nuclear disarmament according to the UN Convention, within the framework of the Conference on Disarmament in Geneva.
He noted that the Conference on Disarmament should define a road map or schedule for an international legal instrument that would protect non-nuclear states from the threat of nuclear weapons.
"Nuclear-weapon states should negotiate and conclude a treaty on no-first-use of nuclear weapons against each other or make a political statement in this regard," Sun said.
As you know, Russia and the USA have the largest nuclear arsenals in the world. China and India are currently the only nuclear powers that officially adhere to the "no first use" policy.
Sun also called for a universal, non-discriminatory, non-proliferation export control order to address global security concerns and promote greater compliance in the biochemistry industry to uphold the authority of the arms control treaty system.
In addition, the Chinese diplomat believes that it is necessary to pay attention to the development of international norms and to counter new scientific and technical challenges in such fields as artificial intelligence, outer space, and cyberspace.
He described the international strategic security situation as facing new challenges, and that countries with the strongest military power have repeatedly "violated treaties" to "seek their own absolute superiority."
Threat of Russia deploying nuclear weapons in space
On Wednesday, February 14, the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, Mike Turner, announced a serious threat to the national security of the United States, because, according to intelligence, Russia plans to place nuclear weapons in space.
US President National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan confirmed this information, and President Joe Biden instructed his administration to negotiate with Russia on the issue of a possible test of nuclear weapons in space.
Later it was reported that the White House was trying to conduct secret negotiations with the Russian Federation to dissuade the Kremlin from testing space nuclear weapons.
By the way, the American media CNN learned the details of Russia's development of nuclear space weapons and what it could threaten.