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China must choose between Putin and West - US State Department

China must choose between Putin and West - US State Department Archive photo: Xi Jinping and Vladimir Putin (Getty Images)
Author: Daryna Vialko

China has to choose between Russian President Vladimir Putin and Western countries, stated a representative of the US State Department.

He said the US reprimanded China for its continued support of Putin, who arrived in Beijing on Thursday.

"If China purports to want good relations with Europe and other countries, it cannot continue to fuel the biggest threat to European security," a US State Department spokesperson said.

The official emphasized that this is the position of not only the United States, but also the European Union, NATO, and the G7. Putin made his first trip after being re-elected for a fifth presidential term. This is happening against the backdrop of US attempts to continue isolating Russia.

A State Department spokesman says that Russia will make every effort to continue its war against Ukraine even without China's support. The US official also said that no country should provide Putin with a platform to propagandize his aggressive war against Ukraine and that the US cannot return to business as usual with Russia, turning a blind eye to the clear violations of international law that Russia has committed in Ukraine.

"There needs to be accountability for those responsible for war crimes," a spokesperson said.

Putin's visit to China

The newspaper writes that during talks with Putin on Thursday, Chinese leader Xi Jinping praised the 75th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Beijing and Moscow and called for “close strategic coordination.”

Putin said that Russia is ready to develop this cooperation "to promote the establishment of a more just and equitable international order." The two leaders signed a number of documents on a wide range of issues, from the economy to environmental protection.

“Amid international sanctions over Ukraine, Russia has become increasingly reliant on Chinese trade to sustain its economy. These economic ties have been strained of late amid new Biden administration secondary sanctions to curb imports and financial transactions that could support the Kremlin's military-industrial base,” Newsweek wrote.

Relations between Russia and China

China has not condemned Russia's military invasion of Ukraine but has instead strengthened trade relations with Moscow. At the same time, Beijing publicly states that it does not help the Kremlin in the military sphere.

At the same time, the White House accuses China of helping dictator Vladimir Putin in his war against Ukraine.