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China declares intention to restore peace in Palestinian territories

China declares intention to restore peace in Palestinian territories Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin (GettyImages)
Author: Maria Kholina

China will do its utmost to restore peace in the Palestinian territories as it takes over the presidency of the UN Security Council (UNSC), according to China's Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesperson Wang Wenbin.

As per the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the country aims to influence the current crisis situation in the Middle East, taking into account its presidency of the UN Security Council.

"China will do its utmost to encourage the Security Council to fulfil its responsibilities, play its role, build consensus and take responsible and meaningful actions as soon as possible to ease the current crisis and safeguard the safety of civilians in order to restore peace," ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin said.

Israel's operation in Gaza Strip

In early October, Hamas militants initiated a large-scale incursion into Israel, targeting both military and civilian residents with killings and abductions. In response, Israel declared a military operation Iron Swords against militants.

Within this operation, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) expanded its ground operation in the Gaza Strip, deploying troops and equipment.

According to media reports, this came after negotiations between Israel and Hamas regarding the release of hostages reached an impasse.

Israeli Defense Forces spokesperson Rear Admiral Daniel Hagarit announced that IDF forces had completely encircled the city of Gaza, with no ceasefire in sight.