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China commits to refraining from selling any weapons to Russia - Macron

China commits to refraining from selling any weapons to Russia - Macron Archive photo: French President Emmanuel Macron (Vitalii Nosach, RBC-Ukraine)

China's government has committed to refraining from selling any weapons to Russia and will strictly control the export of dual-use goods, stated the President of France Emmanuel Macron.

The French President clarified that the Chinese government has committed to strictly controlling the export of dual-use goods that could be used for military purposes.

In the context of the war in Ukraine, Macron stated that he seeks to maintain close dialogue with China, and Paris intends to use Xi Jinping's visit to ensure that Beijing does not overtly support Russian military efforts.

"I thank you for this moment of coordination, which you wanted before Vladimir Putin's visit to China, which will also allow us to have a common agenda and have the opportunity to determine the desire or reluctance to move towards this enduring peace," Macron added.

The French President assured that the West has no plans to change the regime in the Kremlin.

China is helping Russia

From the very beginning of the war in Ukraine, China has not condemned Russia and has not imposed sanctions against it. Instead, Beijing has strengthened its cooperation with Moscow and started selling important technologies and dual-use goods to the Kremlin, although it does not directly supply weapons.

Recently, Vice President of the European Commission, Valdis Dombrovskis, stated that China is supplying Russia with dual-use goods necessary for the production of weapons.

Later, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken criticized China for supplying dual-use goods to Russia's defense industry.