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China and Russia aid DPRK's military expansion, Pentagon

China and Russia aid DPRK's military expansion, Pentagon Pentagon chief Lloyd Austin (Photo: Getty Images)

The UN member states enforcing the truce in the Korean War express concern regarding China and Russia aiding North Korea in the expansion of its military capacities, thereby allowing Pyongyang to evade UN sanctions, as stated by US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin.

"We are deeply concerned that China (PRC) and Russia are helping the DPRK expand its capabilities by enabling it to evade sanctions from the U.N. Security Council," Austin said at a meeting of defense ministers and representatives from 17 countries that are members of the U.N. Security Council, which oversees the ceasefire.

He also mentioned that the US and other U.N. member states have concerns regarding the recent uptick in military collaboration between Russia and North Korea (DPRK) and the transfer of weapons by North Korea to Russia for use in the invasion of Ukraine.

What preceded it

During the 1950-53 Korean War, the U.N. Security Council witnessed the contribution of 17 member countries, such as the United States, Britain, Australia, and Turkiye, who sent troops or provided medical aid. The U.N. Security Council, created in 1950, was authorized to enforce the armistice, restore peace, and maintain communication with North Korea. The Commander of the US military stationed in South Korea leads the U.N. Command.

North Korea has denounced the U.N. Security Council as a "US confrontation tool" without any affiliation to the United Nations and labeled it an "illegal military organization" that must be dismantled to prevent a potential war on the Korean Peninsula.

North Korea's Military Policy

Despite warnings from the United States and other countries, North Korea has stated its intention to strengthen its arms relations with Russia.

Following this announcement, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken expressed grave concern regarding the military cooperation between Russia and North Korea, stating that the United States is closely monitoring the situation.

It later emerged that North Korea declared its plan to escalate the development of nuclear weapons in retaliation to the recent US intercontinental ballistic missile test launch.