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Center for Countering Disinformation on 'peaceful' campaign of Russia: acting like Nazis before World War II

Center for Countering Disinformation on 'peaceful' campaign of Russia: acting like Nazis before World War II Illustrative image (Getty Images)

Today, Russia is spending significant resources to promote its "peaceful" campaign in the West. This is reminiscent of the actions of the Nazis before the start of World War II, according to the head of the Center for Countering Disinformation (CCD), Andrii Kovalenko.

According to Kovalenko, Russia is sending its lobbyists to Europe and actively funding media, individual experts, and political figures to create a favorable information backdrop in the West about its supposed readiness for "peace."

"In addition, Russian networks are actively spreading these narratives in Global South countries. The goal of this information noise is to create conditions where support for Ukraine will be questioned, and belief in Putin's (Vladimir Putin, the Russian President - ed.) willingness to negotiate will grow," Kovalenko added.

However, in reality, Russia is aiming to prolong the war, which is why it is increasing the production of guided aerial bombs (KAB), drones, boosting its military budget, and additionally recruiting 180,000 people into the army.

"There is the illusion they are creating, and then there are the real intentions, hidden behind the military industry. The Nazis acted similarly in 1938-39," the head of the CCD added.

Russia increases the size of its army

Recently, Putin signed a decree to increase the regular strength of the Russian army by 180,000, bringing its total number to 2.389 million. The number of military personnel is expected to rise to 1.5 million. This is the third decree Putin has issued to increase the army's size since the start of the war against Ukraine in February 2022.

Putin's decree also announces a military draft from October 1 to December 31, 2024, during which 133,000 Russian citizens aged 18 to 30, who are not in reserve, are expected to be called up.