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Can sex replace exercise? Discover how many calories you burn

Can sex replace exercise? Discover how many calories you burn Photo: How many calories you can burn during sex (

Sex is an intimate physical activity between people that includes various forms of contact and interaction. There are claims that you can burn a significant number of calories during sex. Is this really true? Strona Zdrowia reveals can sex replace exercise?

What you need to know

Kiran Sheridan, a physiotherapist from the United Arab Emirates, claims that you would need to engage in sex for a very long time to burn a substantial amount of calories.

According to the expert, six minutes of sex burns about 21 calories. To use sex as a substitute for workouts would require significant commitment in terms of both time and effort. What does this mean? Engaging in sex three to four times a day for 30 minutes each session would allow you to burn between 315 and 420 calories.

"It’s better to exercise in the traditional way because it can be more beneficial for your health, targeting the muscles and joints you need to work on," said Sheridan.

Can you have sex every day?

Daily sex is an attractive prospect. But let’s be honest - with the amount of work, responsibilities, and meetings, this is probably unrealistic for most people. Therefore, it’s better not to give up on physical exercise and hope that you can find time for sex every day.

"To be considered moderate physical exercise, sexual activity must be intense and prolonged, similar to brisk walking or cycling, which is rarely the case," said Dr. Lawrence Cunningham, a general practitioner.

Key elements of physical fitness such as cardiovascular endurance, strength, flexibility, and body composition are not adequately achieved solely through sex.

The intensity and duration of physical activity during sex can vary significantly and generally do not meet the recommended levels of cardiovascular or strength training suggested for health benefits, he added.

As with everything, a balanced approach is important. Sex will not replace workouts, but a healthy lifestyle that includes both physical activity and sex will bring many health benefits.

Earlier, we wrote about why men prefer sex with women with curvy figures.

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