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British intelligence explains Ukraine-Russia exchange of powerful long-range strikes

British intelligence explains Ukraine-Russia exchange of powerful long-range strikes Ukraine and Russia have exchanged long-range strikes deep in their territory (Photo: Getty Images)

Russia and Ukraine have experienced intense attacks deep in their territories over the past four days. Reports of explosions at Russian logistic facilities, airbases, and command centers in Crimea, Krasnodar Krai, and the Moscow region have surfaced, according to the Ministry of Defense of the United Kingdom.

The summary noted that, likely, the Russian Black Sea Fleet has again come under a severe attack. However, the explosions at Chkalovsky airbase near Moscow will probably be the most strategically concerning for the Russian leadership. This location is sensitive as it houses military aircraft and VIP transport for Russian leaders.

According to British intelligence, reports of damage to the special-purpose COOT (Il-20) aircraft are particularly relevant. The exact variant is unclear, but these valuable aircraft carry out missions that include collecting electronic intelligence.

Meanwhile, over the past week, Russia has repeatedly launched long-range strikes against targets on Ukrainian territory.

"This unusual intensity is likely partially in response to the incidents in Russia and Crimea. With the ground battle relatively static, each side is seeking advantage by striking through their adversary's strategic depth," the UK Ministry of Defense stated.

Strike on Ukraine's energy infrastructure

On September 21, Russia launched a massive missile strike against Ukraine, launching 43 air-launched Kh-101/Kh-555/Kh-55 family missiles. Most of the rockets were intercepted by air defense forces.

Energy facilities in western and central Ukraine were damaged for the first time in six years. However, as stated by Ukrenergo, it is too early to conclude the start of a new terrorist campaign against civilian infrastructure.