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UK denies Scholz's statement that it helped Ukraine to target Storm Shadow missiles

UK denies Scholz's statement that it helped Ukraine to target Storm Shadow missiles Photo: Britain denied Scholz's statement about the help of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the guidance of Storm Shadow missiles (Getty Images)

Ukraine independently uses and targets long-range Storm Shadow missiles in the war with Russia. Britain is not involved in this process, according to a representative of the Ministry of Defense, The Guardian reports.

"How Kyiv uses donated cruise missiles is the business of the Armed Forces of Ukraine," the media says, citing a Ministry of Defence spokesperson in a statement to AFP.

He adds that Britain, along with other allies, provides Ukraine with a range of weapons to help it resist Russia's illegal and unprovoked aggression.

What Scholz said

A few days ago the Chancellor of Germany opposed the supply of long-range Taurus missiles to Ukraine, which are capable of destroying targets at a distance of up to 500 kilometers.

He emphasized that he did not want Germany "to be drawn into the war," explaining the fact that his country cannot provide Ukraine with targeting assistance, as "the British and French do."

"In my opinion, it would be unjustified if we participated in targeting in the same way," says Scholz.

Ukraine received Storm Shadow/SCALP long-range missiles from France and Britain. Their range is about 300 kilometers.