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Britain delivers mine clearance equipment sets to Ukraine

Britain delivers mine clearance equipment sets to Ukraine Illustrative photo (Photo: Getty Images)
Author: Daria Shekina

Great Britain has provided Ukraine with a significant amount of equipment and training for Ukrainian military personnel to enhance their capabilities in mine clearance, according to the press service of the Ministry of Defence of Britain.

In particular, over 1500 sets of equipment for demining and disposing of explosives have been supplied, both on vehicles and for use by personnel, along with necessary training.

Furthermore, the Royal Engineer Corps has conducted training sessions for Ukrainian servicemen in the disposal of mines, explosives, and other explosive devices used on Ukrainian territory, which are currently one of the main threats to the safety of the country's civilian population.

This detailed and specialized training package teaches Ukrainians to recognize explosive ordnance, methods of disposal, and search procedures to combat improvised explosive devices, mines, mine traps, and explosive devices.

Training includes briefing on the threat, operation planning for mine disposal, as well as practical exercises in demining not only large areas but also trench systems, bunkers, and civilian buildings. During the final assessment, search teams, with an appointed commander, comb through a complex area.

Soldiers use metal detectors and equipment for mine clearance, and they are taught how to adapt the equipment available at the frontlines. They have also received training on equipment provided by Great Britain, including VALLON detectors.

British assistance to Ukraine

Since the onset of the full-scale Russian invasion, Great Britain has consistently supported Ukraine. This support has included the announcement of the transfer of modern Western tanks and long-range rockets to Ukrainian forces.

In July, London announced a new package of military assistance for Ukraine.

In August, the Ministry of Defence of Great Britain signed three contracts worth over $114 million to supply Ukraine with air defense equipment.