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Borrell outlines 5 key areas targeted by EU's 14th sanctions package against Russia

Borrell outlines 5 key areas targeted by EU's 14th sanctions package against Russia Photo: Josep Borrell, EU's head of diplomacy (Vitalii Nosach/RBC-Ukraine)

The new European Union sanctions package against Russia will target five areas, particularly the Russian defense industry, says the EU's head of diplomacy, Josep Borrell, on X.

He reminded that EU ambassadors had agreed on the 14th sanctions package against Russia, which is a powerful set of measures against Russia's military efforts.

According to Borrell, the package targets:

  • The military-industrial defense complex;
  • Financial services;
  • The energy sector;
  • Circumventing sanctions;
  • War crimes, including entities engaged in the deportation of Ukrainian children.

"These sanctions aim at making it harder for Putin's government to sustain its war of aggression. The EU remains determined in its support to Ukraine," added the head of EU diplomacy.


Today, June 20, it was announced that the EU has agreed on the 14th package of anti-Russian sanctions.

Dutch Foreign Minister Hanke Bruins Slot stated that once the package comes into force, Russia's shadow fleet will be denied access to European ports.

At the same time, Reuters reported that the sanctions would ban the re-export of Russian liquefied natural gas.