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Boris Johnson unveils Trump's possible peace plan for Ukraine

Boris Johnson unveils Trump's possible peace plan for Ukraine The Republican candidate for the US presidential election, Donald Trump (photo: Getty Images)

Former British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has unveiled Donald Trump's possible peace plan for ending the war in Ukraine, according to Johnson's op-ed in the Daily Mail.

"I believe that Trump can end it (the war - ed.) — on the right terms for Ukraine and the West. I stress that I cannot be sure exactly what he would do, if elected. But this is what he could do," Johnson explained.

Trump's peace plan may include the following steps, according to Johnson:

  • The West allows Ukraine to use ATACMS and Storm Shadow missiles, as well as other weapons, to target airfields within Russia. Once Russian troops are pushed back, "Putin could offer a deal."
  • Russia retreats to the borders as of February 24, 2022. Ukrainian territory under Kyiv's control is recognized as a free country with the prospect of rapid accession to the EU and NATO.
  • After the war, some Ukrainian troops were stationed in European countries to replace part of the 70,000 US troops deployed to deter potential Russian aggression. This would allow Trump "to save money, and to bring US forces home, and get the Europeans to do more in their own defense: one of his key objectives."
  • Russia declares that the "special military operation" (invasion) has fulfilled its mission and "de-Nazified' the country. Special protective measures may be introduced for the Russian-speaking population of Ukraine.

Johnson remarked that with President Donald Trump in the White House, "there is the real prospect of some global rapprochement with Russia, and with Putin, a return to the days when Russia was a respected partner of the G8 and even of NATO."

According to the politician, there is only one way to achieve such a result — through force.

"Washington under Trump will have to show that international borders must be respected, and that the Soviet empire cannot be rebuilt by force. That means backing the Ukrainians to the hilt," Johnson stated.

He also added that a victory for Ukraine could pave the way for new and much better relations with Russia, which would be a great victory for America and the entire world.

Trump's diplomatic efforts

On July 17, Boris Johnson held a meeting with Donald Trump, during which the politicians discussed the situation in Ukraine. The meeting took place a few days after an attempted assassination of Trump during a campaign rally in Pennsylvania.

On the night of Saturday, July 20, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy had his first phone call with Trump since 2021.

The US presidential candidate positively assessed the communication with Zelenskyy.