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Blinken criticizes China for its inconsistency regarding war in Ukraine

Blinken criticizes China for its inconsistency regarding war in Ukraine US Secretary of State, Antony Blinken (photo: Getty Images)

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken emphasized the US's strong concerns regarding China's support for Russia's defense industrial base during talks with Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi on Friday. Blinken stated that Beijing's discussions about peace in Ukraine make no sense, reports Reuters.

During a meeting with the Chinese representative on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly in New York, Blinken stated that he also raised concerns about China's dangerous and destabilizing actions in the South China Sea and discussed improving communication between American and Chinese military forces.

Blinken noted that about 70% of the machinery and 90% of the microelectronics imported by Russia come from China and Hong Kong, significantly aiding Moscow in producing missiles, artillery shells, armored vehicles, and ammunition necessary to continue its war.

"So when Beijing says that, on the one hand, it wants peace, it wants to see an end to the conflict, but on the other hand, is allowing its companies to take actions that are actually helping Putin continue the aggression, that doesn't add up," the US Secretary of State said.

Earlier on Friday, Wang Yi declined to comment on Reuters' reports that Russia has established a weapons program in China to develop and manufacture long-range strike drones for use in the war.

Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen stated that Russia would not be able to conduct a prolonged full-scale war against Ukraine without China's assistance and that Beijing must be held accountable for supporting the aggressor country.