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Biden on Gaza ceasefire: Agreement is closer than ever

Biden on Gaza ceasefire: Agreement is closer than ever Photo: US President Joe Biden (Getty Images)

US President Joe Biden has stated that a ceasefire agreement in Gaza could be reached soon. This follows several attempts at "reconciliation" involving international mediators, Sky News reports.

President Biden stated that we are "closer than we've ever been" to reaching a ceasefire agreement in Gaza.

The president made this statement following the latest attempts by international mediators to broker a peace deal between Israel and Hamas, who have been at war for the past 10 months.

Situation in Gaza

Last fall, on October 7, an armed conflict erupted between Israel and Palestinian militants led by Hamas. At that time, the terrorist organization Hamas suddenly attacked Israel from the air, land, and sea.

Simultaneously with launching thousands of rockets, armed militants breached the separation barrier between Israel and the Gaza Strip, infiltrating border settlements in Israel from Gaza, terrorizing civilians, and opening fire on Israeli soldiers.

The escalation of the conflict in the Middle East was anticipated following the assassination of top leaders of Hamas and Hezbollah.

However, even before this, Hamas had initially approved a US-backed proposal for a phased ceasefire in the Gaza Strip. The group's representatives had, at that time, backed away from one of their key demands.