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Biden comments Ukrainian army's operation in Kursk region for first time

Biden comments Ukrainian army's operation in Kursk region for first time President of the US, Joe Biden (photo: Getty Images)

The advance of Ukrainian forces into the Kursk region presents a serious dilemma for Russian President Vladimir Putin, states US President Joe Biden.

The White House chief commented for the first time on the Ukrainian military operation during a visit to New Orleans.

“I have spoken with my staff on a regular basis, probably every four or five hours for the last six or eight days and it’s creating a real dilemma for Putin,” Biden said.

Biden also added that he and his administration are in direct, continuous contact with the Ukrainians while the military operation continues.

Additionally, White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre stated to reporters aboard Air Force One that Washington has no involvement in the operation in the Kursk region.

"We have no involvement. We’ll continue to have conversations with the Ukrainians about their approach but it is really for them to speak to," she said.

US reaction to the Ukrainian Armed Forces' operation

The State Department generally supports the Ukrainian operation in the Kursk region. However, the US has not altered its position on the use of American weapons on Russian territory.

Earlier, the White House stated that Ukrainian forces had not violated the prohibition on American weapons strikes against Russia.

Democratic Senator Richard Blumenthal, during his visit to Kyiv, called the Ukrainian troops' breach of the Kursk border historic.

Military expert Oleksandr Musienko believes that the Ukrainian operation may bring the US closer to a decision on allowing ATACMS strikes on targets within Russian territory.