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Ukrainian Armed Forces' breakthrough in Kursk region is historic - US Senator Blumenthal

Ukrainian Armed Forces' breakthrough in Kursk region is historic - US Senator Blumenthal Photo: US Senator Richard Blumenthal from the Democratic Party (Vitalii Nosach, RBC-Ukraine)

The breakthrough by Ukrainian forces at the border in the Kursk region is historic, as Ukraine has brought the war onto Russian territory, US Senator Richard Blumenthal from the Democratic Party stated this during a briefing in Kyiv.

"The breakthrough in Kursk at front is historic. It is a seismic breakthrough. Good news, big news, promising even more potential breakthroughs. Now, the Russians are going to push back. They're going to take troops from elsewhere. They're going to use resources in that front that have been established. But the big news is Ukraine is in Russia. It's taking the fight to Russia, in Russia," the senator said.

According to him, the senators want to convey a message to US President Joe Biden's administration that Ukraine should be given "more flexibility in using the weapons that have been provided to strike deeper behind the lines that exist right now."

"There are limits and issues of permission, we hope, to cut through them. That kind of greater authority is tremendously important as a matter of tactics and, ultimately,
strategy. We are going to be working for even more resources," Blumenthal noted.

In turn, Republican Senator Lindsey Graham stated that the Ukrainian Armed Forces' operation in the Kursk region is "Bold, brilliant, beautiful."

"What do I think about Kursk? Bold, brilliant, beautiful. Keep it up. Putin started this, kick his as*," he said.

Fighting in the Kursk region

Last week, fighting began in the Kursk region. The Russians claim that Ukrainian forces allegedly made a breakthrough at the border.

Furthermore, Russian officials fabricated reports that their army had lost control of 28 settlements in the Kursk region. In reality, the number is significantly higher. According to DeepState, Russia has lost approximately 44 settlements.

Officially, Ukraine confirmed the operation in the Kursk region only today, as announced by President Volodymyr Zelenskyy following a meeting of the General Staff.

According to Commander-in-Chief of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, Oleksandr Syrskyi, Ukrainian defenders continue their operation in the Kursk region, with around one thousand square kilometers under their control.