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Belarus participates in Russian campaign to deport Ukrainian children - ISW

Belarus participates in Russian campaign to deport Ukrainian children - ISW Lukashenko is involved in the actions of the Russian Federation, particularly (photo: Getty Images)

Belarusian officials, including self-proclaimed President Alexander Lukashenko, continue to be involved in the illegal deportation of Ukrainian children to Belarus and their re-education under Belarusian programs, according to a report by the American Institute for the Study of War (ISW).

Analysts note that on June 10, the head of the Russian-Belarusian civic initiative Soiuz, Sergey Lush, met in Minsk with a group of 32 Ukrainian children from the occupied city of Melitopol.

During the meeting, he stated that the Soiuz organization had collaborated with the occupation administration of the Zaporizhzhia region to organize the trip and emphasized the patriotic education of the children during their visit to Belarus. It is reported that this patriotic education includes teaching the children the military history of Russia and Belarus within the framework of the Kremlin's interpretation of World War II.

Despite this information, ISW analysts have long concluded that Belarus is involved in Russian actions.

"ISW has long assessed that Belarusian officials, including Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko, are directly involved in the Russian campaign to deport and re-educate Ukrainian children," experts summarized.

On June 6, 2024, Ukraine returned three children from the temporarily occupied territories.

Earlier, it was reported that Russia may transfer a brigade set of Iskander missile systems to Belarus. In particular, construction of two shelters for military equipment has begun in Asipovichy (a military town).