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Tanks, aerial recon, and POWs: Ukrainian soldiers showcase operations in Kursk region

Tanks, aerial recon, and POWs: Ukrainian soldiers showcase operations in Kursk region Photo: fighting in the Kursk region (illustrative photo by GettyImages)
Author: Liliana Oleniak

The Ukrainian Army continues to conduct combat missions in the Kursk region. In particular, the exchange fund is being actively replenished, according to the Commander of the Land Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Oleksandr Pavliuk.

Ukrainian Army units are completing their tasks in the Kursk region of Russia.

"We continue to replenish the exchange fund, which will allow us to return our boys and girls from Russian captivity as soon as possible," the statement says.

According to the video, Ukrainian soldiers carried out several successful missions using heavy equipment in the fight against the Russian occupiers. In particular, one of the drone footage shows a large group of Russian prisoners of war moving in an escort. The fighting continues both in the field and near populated areas.

Fighting in Kursk region

See how Ukrainian Special Operations Forces destroy Russian troops and equipment during an operation in the Kursk region.

Since the breakthrough into the Kursk region on May 6, about 82 Russian settlements have been taken under the control of the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

The purpose of this operation is to protect residents of Ukraine's border regions from Russian shelling and to create a buffer zone. During the operation, Ukrainian defenders also successfully destroyed Russian bridges, making it impossible for the Russian military to withdraw from the encircled areas and complicating their logistics.