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Azerbaijan shows no interest in signing peace agreement - Armenian Foreign Ministry

Azerbaijan shows no interest in signing peace agreement - Armenian Foreign Ministry Photo: Ararat Mirzoyan, Armenian Foreign Minister (Getty Images)
Author: Daryna Vialko

Armenia does not observe the political will of Azerbaijan to sign a peace agreement between the two countries. Meanwhile, the final draft of the document is nearly ready, stated Armenia's Foreign Minister Ararat Mirzoyan.

"There is an almost finalized draft peace agreement with Azerbaijan. However, it is not being signed because Azerbaijan continually presents new preconditions. We see that they do not want to sign the agreement," the Minister noted at a security forum in Warsaw.

He specified that Azerbaijan claims there are many more issues to agree upon. However, "there is no document in the world that could include all the issues."

"We can sign the document and continue to work on the remaining questions. Enormous work has been done over the past two or three years despite all the challenges, escalations, and attacks on Armenian territory. Armenia is constructive during negotiations," emphasized Mirzoyan.


It was reported on September 11 that Armenia offered Azerbaijan a peace agreement to resolve the conflict over Nagorno-Karabakh.

Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan stated that this document consists of 16 articles, which have been agreed upon by both sides.

Later, the head of the Armenian government clarified that ratification of the peace agreement with Azerbaijan may require constitutional changes in Armenia. Such a need would arise if the Constitutional Court of Armenia determines that the document does not comply with the Constitution.