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Attack was calculated, missile flew for about 3 minutes - Zelenskyy on shelling of Poltava

Attack was calculated, missile flew for about 3 minutes - Zelenskyy on shelling of Poltava Volodymyr Zelenskyy, President of Ukraine (Vitalii Nosach, RBC-Ukraine)
Author: Maria Kholina

A Russian missile strike on a training center in Poltava on September 3 was calculated. The missile flew for about three minutes, citing President Volodymyr Zelenskyy.

"Another tragedy in Ukraine. And this is a fact. They struck, it was a missile strike, a calculated strike. The missile flew for about 3 minutes. That's why people didn't have time to get to the bomb shelter. And now it's believed that many of them were injured or killed during their descent to the shelter," the president said.

The president added that people reacted to the enemy shelling quickly enough, but they didn't have enough time to save themselves.

Russian attack on education center in Poltava

On the morning of September 3, the occupiers launched a ballistic missile strike on Poltava. As a result of the attack, a six-story educational building was partially destroyed, and three apartment buildings, five private homes, and an office were damaged.

As of the morning of September 4, the death toll in Poltava stood at 53. The Ministry of Internal Affairs (MIA) also reported 298 injured.

According to Oleksandr Musiienko, head of the Center for Military-Legal Studies, the enemy's goal with this strike was to increase negative sentiments among Ukrainians, as the enemy pays serious attention to military psychology and psychological terror.

Read more about Russia's attack on Poltava in the RBC-Ukraine report.