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At least six drones flew into Belarus during Russia's air attack on Ukraine

At least six drones flew into Belarus during Russia's air attack on Ukraine Illustrative photo (Getty Images)
Author: Maria Kholina

At least 6 Shahed kamikaze drones flew into Belarus from Ukraine overnight. Belarusian military aircraft were in the air throughout the night, according to the monitoring group Belarusian Hajun.

Russian Shaheds entered Belarusian airspace from the Chernihiv and Kyiv regions of Ukraine.

"The first two drones entered around 00:09, with subsequent flights occurring at approximately 00:30, 01:00, 03:27, and 05:55," the report said.

It is also reported that later, the entry of the Shaheds into Belarus was confirmed by the commander of the Ukrainian Air Force, Mykola Oleshchuk, who mentioned that one of the strike drones crossed the border into Belarus, which may indicate that it was lost location-wise in Belarus.

Additionally, Belarusian Air Force aircraft patrolled the skies over southern Belarus almost all night.

"A fighter jet from Baranovichi, which was scrambled around 00:15, returned only at 02:00 and then took off again at 02:45," the monitoring group reported.

Russian drones in Belarus

The latest entry of a Russian drone into Belarus occurred yesterday, August 26, during the most massive Russian air attack on Ukraine.

Monitoring groups also recorded a drone entry into Belarusian territory the day before, on August 21.

Another Russian drone entered Belarus on July 13, reaching Vitebsk.

A day earlier, on July 12, Belarus also scrambled aircraft due to a Russian drone.