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Apple co-founder hospitalized: Details of his condition

Apple co-founder hospitalized: Details of his condition Steve Wozniak (photo: Getty Images)

Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak, 73, has been hospitalized in a Mexico City hospital. He is suspected of having an ischemic stroke, reports Reuters.

What is known

The 73-year-old businessman had a speaking engagement at the World Business Forum in Santa Fe, Mexico. However, he felt unwell after delivering his speech and informed his spouse.

Concerned, she urged him to visit a hospital. Medical professionals suspect that he suffered an ischemic stroke - a condition marked by a shortage of arterial blood flow to the brain which triggers an acute cerebrovascular disorder. The medical term for this disorder is cerebral infarction.

There are currently no additional details known about the patient's condition.

Співзасновник Apple потрапив до лікарні: що відомо про його стан

Steve Wozniacki is hospitalized (photo: Wikipedia)

Who is Steve Wozniak

Steve Wozniak is a pioneer of the personal computer revolution. He co-founded Apple Computer (now Apple Inc.) with Steve Jobs in 1976 and designed the Apple I and Apple II computers in the mid-1970s.

In 1985, Wozniak resigned as Vice President of Apple to become a consultant and retain a stake in the company. After he departed from Apple, he founded multiple high-tech companies.

He founded a company that designed remote access systems for home computers, called CL-9, which operated until the end of 1989.

Wozniak recently announced the creation of Privateer Space, a private space company. Additionally, he founded a startup in November 2021 to organize information on debris in Earth's orbital space.