Almost two-thirds of Ukrainian children witnessed war

In November 2023, 62% of Ukrainian mothers report that their children have witnessed or experienced war-related events, according to a survey by the Rating Sociological Group.
According to the survey, 25% of mothers currently consider their place of residence unsafe, compared to 21% in February 2023.
At the same time, 79% of mothers rate their children's physical health as very good or good; 73% of mothers rate their children's mental health as very good or good.
Nevertheless, mothers report that many children are afraid of loud noises (48%), show irritability (37%), etc. They do not show clear signs of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), but the impact of the war affects them in different ways.
School during the war
According to the survey, 94% of children study full-time or in a mixed format (in February 2023, it was 92%). Of the 6% who do not attend school at all, 40% do not attend due to the closure of the local school; 60% do not attend due to concern for the child's safety;
More than 55% of pupils use a computer or laptop as an additional learning tool. School attendance has improved significantly since the previous survey in February 2023;
The survey was commissioned by the Ukraine Children's Action Project among mothers of children aged 3-17 in all regions, except for the temporarily occupied territories of Crimea and Donbas, as well as areas where there was no Ukrainian mobile coverage at the time of the survey. Sample population: 2000 respondents. Survey method: CATI (Computer Assisted Telephone Interviews), based on a random sample of mobile phone numbers. The error of representativeness of the survey, with a confidence level of 0.95: no more than 2.2%. Dates of the survey: October 29 – November 2, 2023.
As a reminder, since September 1, three learning formats have been in place in Ukrainian schools. Each region has its own, depending on the security situation.
At the same time, the vast majority of guardians (63%) whose children or grandchildren study at schools do not support distance learning during the war. The fact that educational institutions are equipped with safe and equipped shelters did not affect the level of support for distance education among guardians and trustees.